Anthko’s Ideas

Anthko’s Ideas is a private publishing LLC.

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T.R. Anthko

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T.R. Anthko

Anthko’s Ideas Books in Production

FOWLERI: Click to read the Prologue
This book is being written by T.R. Anthko. It is a political conspiracy story set in the modern-day United States. The book’s lead, Fowleri, is tasked with a clandestine mission so secretive even the highest levels of government are prohibited from knowing the reality-shattering truth about how the government operates and for whom. Will Fowleri accept the mission that shapes the very foundations of the United States? Will the Fowleri be discovered? How will political leaders, the public, and the media react if this great secret were to be placed in the spotlight? Join the Fowleri on this dangerous, erotic, and emotional journey to discover what prospers in the light of the day.